A Comprehensive Approach to Employee Retirement Benefits
A comprehensive benefit offering to attract and retain employees is vital in today’s labour market and goes beyond health and dental. The BCCA Group Employee Retirement Savings Plan helps employees save for their future retirement in a cost-effective manner, and the BCCA Retiree Benefit Plan provides health and dental coverage during those retirement years. Take steps to show your employees that you’re in it for the long haul and that you care about their health and financial well-being.
Offering a retirement plan to your team allows you to save on taxes through specific retirement vehicles and demonstrates a long-term commitment to your employees. It’s an investment in their loyalty and productivity.
BCCA Retiree Benefit Plan
The BCCA Retiree Benefit Plan, offered through Pacific Blue Cross (PBC), provides employees with the option to convert to a customized individual health plan specifically designed for retirees. This plan ensures continuous coverage for health, prescription drugs, and dental expenses without requiring a medical questionnaire.
In order to transition from your group plan to the BCCA Retiree Benefit Plan for your retirement, you must:
- Be at least 50 years old.
- Have been covered under your group plan for at least six consecutive months.
- Be actively enrolled in the government health plan in BC.
- Apply within 60 days of the date on which your group benefits coverage was cancelled.
Employee Retirement Savings Plan (ERSP)
The BCCA Employee Retirement Savings Plan (ERSP) offers employers a straightforward way to help their employees prepare for retirement. By integrating retirement savings options into your benefits package, you demonstrate a commitment to your employees’ financial futures while enhancing your organization’s ability to attract and retain top talent.