Employee Retirement Savings Plan
The BCCA Employee Retirement Savings Program (BCCA ERSP) provides a holistic approach to supporting employee health and financial security, complementing the benefits offered by the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust (BCCAEBT).
In addition to helping employees save for their future, the BCCA ERSP is a valuable tool for recruiting and retaining talent. The program includes expert support from group retirement plan professionals, from initial implementation to ongoing plan oversight. This ensures employers can design a retirement plan that aligns with their company’s goals and budget while providing excellent value for employees.
Your employees benefit from low investment fees and access to financial resources from personal budgeting to investment education through the BCCA ERSP. Contributions through payroll are a convenient way to save for retirement, and on-site enrolment and education make it easy to participate and stay informed. Furthermore, the BCCA ERSP provides ongoing retirement program oversight to ensure best practices are upheld.

Benefits for Employer
- Stand out among your competitors, and attract and retain talent.
- Show that you care about the financial well-being of your employees and reap the productivity rewards of employees with reduced financial stress.
- Save on taxes through specific retirement vehicles.
- Create a sense of security for your employees and foster their sense of belonging to your company.
- Build loyalty and improve employee engagement.
Benefits for Employees
- Convenient automatic payroll deductions.
- Tax savings.
- Free money when the employer contributes to the plan.
- Lower fees through the BCCA ERSP group purchasing power.
- Education, support, and guidance from independent professional consultants.
- Increased financial peace of mind.
- Confidence in a more financially secure future.