Submitting Claims

Here’s the claims process for each benefit and information on how to coordinate health and dental benefit payments with your spouse’s/partner’s plan.

Remember, all eligible extended health claims must be submitted to the Insurer by December 31 of the following calendar year in which the individual incurred the expense.

Pacific Blue Cross

Download the Blue Cross app on your phone and get started. All you need is your Pacific Blue Cross card and you can be set up in a couple of minutes.

If you prefer to submit claims on your computer, register for access to your member profile and get started.

Green Shield Canada

  1. Visit with your GSC ID card handy.
  2. Click Sign In and after that click Greenshield+ member sign in
  3. If you don’t have an account click Sign Up
  4. Choose “Through an employer or organization” and click continue
  5. Select I have a Member ID and click continue
  6. Enter Your Email
  7. For your security, you also need an access code. An email containing your confidential access code will be automatically sent to you.
  8. Add your Member ID and Date of birth
  9. Create a user name and password and provide all of the requested information. Complete your registration by clicking on ‘Register’.
  10. You are now fully registered!

Pacific Blue Cross

Download the Blue Cross app on your phone and get started. All you need is your Pacific Blue Cross card and you can be set up in a couple of minutes.

Green Shield Canada

Take the online experience mobile with the Greenshield+ . Just download the app and use your Plan Member Online Services user name and password to get started. Greenshield+ gives you many of the same great features you’ll find online, including online claims submission, an electronic ID card, provider lookup, and more.

Pacific Blue Cross

To submit eligible extended health claims by mail print and complete the Extended Health Care Standard Claim Form. Ensure that all information on the form is complete and clearly legible. Mail completed form to:

Pacific Blue Cross
PO Box 7000
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4E1 

Pacific Blue Cross will mail the cheque for your eligible expenses directly to your home.

Green Shield Canada

Print and complete the GSC Extended Health Care Claim Form. Ensure that all information on the form is complete and clearly legible. Mail completed form to:

Green Shield Canada
EHS Department
PO Box 1699
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 7G6 

Green Shield Canada will mail the cheque for your eligible expenses directly to your home.

Types of Claims

In the event of accidental injury or death, you or your beneficiary should contact your plan’s Benefits Administrator as soon as possible. Then the Benefits Administrator should contact the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust office. Instructions will be provided at that time, including the necessary claim forms, which will require completion.

The insurer will also require the following documents:

  • Proof of Death – Original Provincial Death Certificate (or certified copy).
  • Newspaper clipping, if available (for AD&D claims)
  • Police Report (for AD&D claims)

Once all forms are completed by the appropriate individuals, the original forms and supporting documents should be forwarded to your Benefits Administrator. Your Benefits Administrator will forward these forms to us, BCCA Employee Benefits Trust, and we will forward them to the insurer for processing.

Please note that in some cases the insurer may request a toxicology or autopsy report to verify the cause of death.

You must submit all eligible dental claims within 90 days of the completion date of services. Failure to submit a claim within the 90-day limit will not invalidate the claim if it is submitted as soon as reasonably possible. In no event will Pacific Blue Cross or Green Shield Canada pay any claim or adjustment submitted later than one year from the date the expense was incurred.

An expense is incurred on the date the dentist performs a single appointment procedure. For procedures that take more than one appointment, the employees incur the expense until the entire procedure is completed. You may be required to provide the dentist’s statement of the treatment received, pre-treatment x-rays and any additional information considered necessary by Pacific Blue Cross or Green Shield Canada.

Submitting dental claims electronically

Your dentist may be able to send claims electronically to the Insurer, which can facilitate payment for dental claims directly between Pacific Blue Cross or Green Shield Canada and your dentist. You should discuss this option with your dentist.

Submitting dental claims by mail

To submit eligible dental claims by mail, print the relevant Dental Claim Form (or use the standard dental claim form supplied by the dentist). Sign and date the form. Mail the completed form to the appropriate insurance carrier. The cheque for your eligible expenses will be mailed directly to your home.

Pacific Blue Cross

PO Box 7000
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4E1

Green Shield Canada

EHS Department
PO Box 1699
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 7G6

If you become disabled and are unable to perform the duties of your own occupation, you should apply for Long Term Disability and Life Waiver of Premium. If your BCCA Employee Benefit Trust plan includes Short Term Disability coverage, you should apply for this benefit immediately. If your plan does not include this benefit, you should contact your local Employment Insurance (EI) office to inquire and apply for EI Disability benefits.

Note: provided you qualify for Long Term Disability benefits, benefit payments will not begin until the Elimination Period (waiting period) under your particular plan has been satisfied.

For all claims of this nature, please contact your Benefits Administrator at your place of employment as soon as possible. Instructions will be provided at that time, including the necessary claim forms which will require completion.

Your Benefits Administrator will forward these forms to the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust office, from where it will be forwarded to the insurer for processing.

Note: to maintain the confidentiality of medical information, please return any forms with medically related information to your Benefits Administrator in a sealed envelope. Your Benefits Administrator/Employer does not have to see this information.

Claims must be submitted six to eight weeks before the end of the Elimination Period (for Long Term Disability) and as soon as possible after the date of disability for Short Term Disability claims (refer to your benefit summary for the applicable elimination periods for both Long and Short Term Disability benefits).

If you are eligible for Worker’s Compensation (WCB) Benefits, you will receive a Worker’s Compensation claim form from your physician. However, you should still apply for Long Term Disability benefits as well as Life Waiver of Premium. WCB disability benefits are typically higher than what you would receive through your LTD plan and are deducted from any disability benefit you may become eligible for. However, although you may not receive payment now, if you stop receiving benefits from WCB and are still deemed to be disabled, you may still be able to claim LTD benefits in the future. As well, the benefit premiums would be waived during the disability period if you qualify for a waiver of premium. Please contact your Benefits Administrator in these situations.

Continuation of Extended Health and Dental Care benefits while disabled. Please note that under the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust plan, at the employer’s request, EHC and Dental coverage can continue for one year from the date of approval for LTD benefits for disabled employees provided premiums continue to be paid. After this one-year period, the disabled employee has 60 days to convert their EHC/Dental coverage to an individual plan if they wish. Information regarding conversion of EHC/Dental benefits is provided under the Converting Benefits for Extended Health and Dental Care section of this site.

In the event of accidental injury or death, you or your beneficiary should contact your plan’s Benefits Administrator as soon as possible. Your Benefits Administrator will then contact BCCA Employee Benefits Trust. Instructions will be provided at that time, including the necessary claim forms which will require completion.

The insurer will require the Proof of Death – Original Provincial Death Certificate (or certified copy) or Funeral Director’s Statement of Death.

Once all forms are completed by the appropriate individuals, the original forms and supporting documents should be forwarded to your Benefits Administrator. Your Benefits Administrator will forward these forms to us, BCCA Employee Benefit Trust, and we will forward the forms to the insurer for processing.

Submitting an eligible Medical Travel Benefit claim is easy. Simply print the form relevant to your plan, complete it and mail it to the appropriate authority.

Pacific Blue Cross

Pacific Blue Cross will coordinate the claim with the Medical Services Plan (MSP) of British Columbia directly on your behalf. Claims should be made promptly. MSP claiming deadline is 90 days from the date of service.

Please note that in the event of a medical emergency while out-of-country, you should contact the travel assistance provider immediately to arrange payment. For any trips out-of-country, even of short duration, be sure to carry your Medi-Assist card and your Pacific Blue Cross ID card, so the required information is easily accessible.

The customer service representatives at Medi-Assist can help coordinate the coverage options. You can reach Medi-Assist at:

Canada/US (toll-free): 1-888-699-9333

All Other Countries (collect): 1-604-419-4487

Learn more about how to claim out-of-province/out-of-country medical expenses.

Green Shield Canada

Your travel benefits are provided by our partner, Allianz Global Assistance. Through Allianz Global Assistance, you can take advantage of a vast network of medical providers, resources and contacts, all offering quality service, when you travel outside your home province.

If your emergency is such that you require immediate medical assistance call for an ambulance (911 if available where you are located). Once you arrive at the hospital have a family member contact Green Shield Canada Travel Assistance to open a case. The contact number is 1-800-936-6226 toll free. If the toll free number does not work, you can use the collect number: operator+519-742-3556.

Green Shield Canada Travel Assistance is available 24/7 including holidays. Green Shield Canada must be contacted by phone within 48 hours of commencement of treatment. You can also call this number prior to leaving your province of residence for pre-trip assistance.

When contacting Green Shield Canada Travel Assistance, quote the group number and the Green Shield Canada ID number on your card. If your emergency is one that does not require immediate urgent medical assistance, contact Green Shield Canada Travel Assistance to open a case prior to seeking medical treatment.

Learn more about your travel benefit.

Pacific Blue Cross

For any extensive course of treatment such as crowns or bridgework, we recommend you ask your dentist to complete a cost estimate before the work is completed. Have your dentist send the estimate to the Pacific Blue Cross claims department to determine how the expenses will be reimbursed.

Pre-authorization is also required for any extended health care durable medical supply expense exceeding $5,000.

Green Shield Canada

For any extensive course of treatment such as crowns or bridgework, we recommend you ask your dentist to complete a cost estimate before the work is completed. Have your dentist send the estimate to the Green Shield Canada claims department to determine how the expenses will be reimbursed.

Pre-authorization is also required for any extended health care durable medical supply expense exceeding $5,000.

Pacific Blue Cross

If your plan includes a “pay-direct drug card” transactions will occur at the point-of-sale (eg. at a pharmacy). In some cases, paper claim submission is required for prescription drug expenses. In this case, you pay for the cost of the prescription drug, then complete Pacific Blue Cross’s Extended Health Care Standard Claim Form and forward it to the insurer with the original receipt(s) attached.

If, for any reason, you have a pay-direct drug card and it was not used at the point of sale, simply complete the Extended Health Care Claim form for Pacific Blue Cross and attach the original receipt(s).

Green Shield Canada
  1. Visit with your GSC ID card handy.
  2. Sign in as a ‘Plan Member’ and click on ‘Register’.
  3. Create a user name and password and provide all of the requested information. Complete your registration by clicking on ‘Register’.
  4. For your security, you also need an access code. An email containing your confidential access code will be automatically sent to you.
  5. Upon receipt of your access code, sign in to Plan Member Online Services, then enter your access code and click ‘Submit’. You are now fully registered!

Green Shield Canada Extended Health Care Claim Form and forward it to the insurer with the original receipt(s) attached.

If, for any reason, you have a pay-direct drug card and it was not used at the point of sale, simply complete the Extended Health Care Claim Form for Green Shield Canada and attach the original receipt(s).