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With the recent surge in wildfire activity across British Columbia and Alberta, it’s crucial to ensure that you and your loved ones are prepared for any potential challenges that may arise. The impact of wildfires on our provinces is increasing, making it essential to stay informed and ready to act in case of emergencies.

This year’s wildfire season has started early, with over 170 blazes burning in British Columbia and Alberta. To mitigate further devastation, both provinces have issued fire bans. In British Columbia, a five-month open fire ban is in effect from May 3 to Oct. 11, covering extensive areas.

To help you stay prepared, I’ve compiled some emergency preparedness tips that I hope you’ll find useful:

1. Have a Plan:
Creating an emergency plan with your family can make all the difference in a crisis. Discuss with your loved ones about what to do and where to go if evacuation becomes necessary. You can learn more about emergency planning from BC Resources and Alberta Gov Resources.

2. Be Prepared:
Wildfires can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be prepared to leave quickly if necessary. Consider putting together a go-kit for each household member, stocked with essential items like non-perishable food, water, a first-aid kit, and important documents. You can also create grab-and-go bags for your home, workplace, and vehicle for added readiness.

3. Water Safety:
Ensure that everyone in your household, including pets, has plenty of safe drinking water. Store water properly and replace it as needed.

4. Stay Informed:
During an emergency, the situation can change quickly. Follow your local government, First Nation, and emergency services to keep evacuation orders and alerts up-to-date. Save emergency numbers as contacts in your phone. For information on the current wildfire situation across BC, follow the BC Wildfire Service on Facebook and X. You can also download the mobile wildfire application on your cell phone (available for Apple or Android devices).  If you are located in Alberta, download the Alberta wildfire app:  Apple or Android

Remember, being prepared is key to managing emergencies. By staying informed and having a plan in place, we can all feel more confident in our ability to handle whatever comes our way.

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